Product Photography can be cool too! – Sonoma Commercial Photographer
Product Photography can be cool too! – Sonoma Commercial Photographer
Although Weddings and Portraits are our current passion, what we don’t advertise much is that I was first trained in product photography. Recently I had the opportunity to do some photography for a good friend who has a specialty car boutique accessory business on the internet. I didn’t know this but apparently there is a huge interest in mini tools for your keyring. Tom Clawges has started to develop a series of tools and accessories for your keyring and his latest products are the Inchworm (a ruler in the round, as Tom calls it) and the hightech “P-7 Suspension Clip” which prevents your key fob from sitting at the bottom of your pocket or purse. These are progressions from his PicoPen which I keep on my own keyring. Check out his products at
- TEC Accessories Inchworm

TEC Accessories Key Clip